
cog-iconSlideshow CK

Slideshow CK can display images or videos with links with nice effects. It is mobile compatible and responsive design, and you can add unlimited slides with a Drag & Drop admin interface. Features : Unlimited slides, Multiple options to congifure the slideshow, Mobiles compatible, you can slide with your fingers, Responsive design (adapts the image to the width of the container), Multiple skins, You can add a link on any slide, Captions with HTML allowed (to put some links for example), Compatible RTL direction.


DJ-Menu is a suckerfish menu with animated mootools effects now for Joomla 3.0! Responsive ready - works with mobile devices as Select Menu! Now, you can easily manage whether the menu is animated or just scriptless css drop-down. This menu has the unique feature preventing your submenus to open beyond your site's width!


RokFeatureTable offers a stylistic and user friendly solution for displaying tabular based data. It is perfect for price or product comparisons, or essentially, any type of data display that suits a matrix format. A simple, yet dynamic, interface provides you with the tools to quickly edit the contents of the module. There are a series of parameters allowing for unlimited row, with options for text, link, class and much more, which allows for extensive control.


FavImageHover, by FavThemes, is a non-commercial module extension that adapts and resizes itself to desktop and mobile devices. You can easily feature articles with images and a brief description with this module. It has an extension set of parameters for easy and fast customization. The module can be customized with any icon from Font Awesome Icons, the iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap.

cog-iconTweet Display Back

Tweet Display Back is a simple yet powerful Joomla! module that allows you to display your Twitter feed on your site. Features include: Four templates, each designed to allow you to quickly deploy the module on your site, Twitter Web Intents helping to make quick actions even simpler without allowing external access to your account, Display a list, user's favorites, or a user feed, Display options to customize the position of various module pieces, Choose to display tweets you've retweeted or not, Filter @mentions and @replies from your stream, Display your Twitter profile info, or don't, Display as many or as few tweets as you choose, Customizable language strings for international support and distributed with community contributed translations. The module is distributed in a total of 12 languages, so check to see if your language is supported!

cog-iconSimple Image Gallery

Adding image galleries inside your Joomla! articles is now super-easy and simple, using the magical "Simple Image Gallery" plugin for Joomla. The plugin can turn any folder of images located inside your Joomla! website into a grid-style image gallery with cool lightbox previews. And all that using a simple plugin tag like {gallery}myphotos{/gallery}. The galleries created are presented in a grid using a polaroid-like background for the thumbnails. When your visitors click on a thumbnail, they see the original image in a lightbox popup.

cog-iconGoogle Maps Plugin

Plugin for displaying one or more Google Maps within content-items, modules or components of Joomla 1.5.x (native), 2.5.x and 3.0.x. Google maps inclusions and directions to your location options.

cog-iconB2J Contact

This fully-responsive Joomla 3 ready component coming with many useful features will give you a unique experience in creating online forms. This revolutionary, multifunctional Joomla! contact component is totally FREE. It's a super easy-to-install component, that brings you the ultimate in user experience with its clean design and user friendly backend. B2J Contact has got the following main options which users may customize: basic options, default fields, dynamic fields, events and security.

cog-iconImages Crawler

A continuous horizontal scroller of one or more images from a specified folder with an optional redirection link. If you're looking for a nice carousel scroller, this is it! Images Crawler for Joomla works very well on responsive websites and layouts. It also allows for individual linking of the images.

cog-iconSimple Random Quotes

Simple Random Quotes is a simple Joomla! module that shows a random quote (from a site, or a custom txt file) each time the page is reloaded.

cog-iconVery Simple Image Rotator

This is a very simple MOOTOOLS image rotator with a fading transition for same sized images from a specified folder. It only features: Adding links to the images, including subfolders, randomizing the images.

cog-iconKC Cufon Font Replacement

Cufón is a JavaScript based font replacement technique so you can use non-web based fonts on your website. This plugin integrates Cufón fonts in your Joomla 1.5 or 1.6-1.7-2.5-3.x website. The plugin allows you to add up to 6 different fonts/CSS selector sets to your site and any number of different CSS selectors for each font. Use normal CSS to change the attributes of your Cufón font selectors. Cufón is faster than sIFR and FLIR, two other font replacement techniques.

cog-iconFlexi Custom Code

This module allows us to insert any code like php, javascript PHP, CSS and html at site modules positions. For example, It's can be used for simple code, simple function, embed code, adsense code, affiliation code and others copy and paste codes for Joomla site.


Sourcerer enables you to place PHP and any kind of HTML style code (including CSS and JavaScript) right in to your content! Not only in your articles, but also in sections, categories, modules, components, META tags, etc.

cog-iconAkeeba Backup

Akeeba Backup Core is an open-source backup component for the Joomla! CMS, quite a bit different than its competition. Its mission is simple: create a site backup that can be restored on any Joomla!-capable server. Its possibilities: endless. It creates a full backup of your site in a single archive.

cog-iconJCE Editor

An award-winning, configurable WYSIWYG editor for Joomla! based on Moxiecode's TinyMCE. Includes advanced Image/Media, File and Link handling, plugin support, and an Administration interface for editor configuration.
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